Chapter 1 Population Statistics

1.1 Populations

Almost every statistics text begins with the concept of a population. A population is the complete set of individuals to which you want to predict values. Let’s dwell on this concept, as it is something that did not hit home for me right away in my career. Again, the population is all of the individuals for which you are interested in making a prediction. What do we mean by individuals? Not just people – individuals can plants, insects, disease, livestock or, indeed, farmers.

Just as important as what individuals are in a population is its extent. What do you want the individuals to represent? If you are a farmer, do you want to apply the data from these individuals directly to themselves, or will you use them to make management decisions for the entire field, or all the fields in your farm? Will you use the results this season or to make predictions for future seasons? If you are an animal nutritionist, will you use rations data to support dairy Herefords, or beef Angus?

If you are a sales agronomist, will you use the data to support sales on one farm, a group of farms in one area, or across your entire sales territory? If you are in Extension, will the individuals you measure be applicable to your entire county, group of counties, or state? If you are in industry like me, will your results be applicable to several states?

This is a very, very critical question, as you design experiments – or as you read research conducted by others. To what do or will the results apply? Obviously, an Iowa farmer should not follow the optimum planting date determined for a grower in North Carolina, nor should an Ohio farmer assume our pale clays will be as forgiving as the dark, mellow loam of southern Minnesota.

Drilling down, you might further consider whether research was conducted in areas that have similar temperature or rainfall, how different the soil texture might be to the areas to which you want to apply results. At the farm level, you might ask how similar the crop rotation, tillage, or planting methods were to that operation. At the field level, you might wonder about planting date or the hybrid that was sown.

When you use the results from set of individuals to make predictions about other individuals, you are making inferences – you are using those data to make predictions, whether it be for that same field next month or next year, or for other locations (areas in a field, fields in a farm, counties, or states). When we speak of an inference space, then, that is the total group of individuals to which you will apply your results. Or, in another word, your population.

In summary, one of the most critical skills you can apply with data science has no formula and, indeed, little to do with math (at least in our application). It is to ask yourself, will my experiment represent the entire population in which I am interested? Indeed, one field trial likely will not address the entire population in which you are interested – it is up to you to determine the population to which you are comfortable applying those results.

In fact, statistics or data science done without this “domain” knowledge whether a dataset is useful or experimental results are reasonable can be disastrous. Just because a model fits one dataset very well or treatments are significantly different does not mean they should be used to make decisions. Your competency as an agronomic data scientist depends on everything you learn in your program of study. Soil science, crop physiology, and integrated pest management, to name just a few subjects, are as much a prerequisite as any math course you have taken.

In some cases all of the individuals in a population can be measured – in such case, we will use the basic statistics described in this unit. The yield map we will analyze in this unit is a loose example of a case where we can measure

In most cases, however, it is not physically or financially feasible to measure all individuals in a population. In that case, subsets of the population, called samples, are used to estimate the range of individuals in a population.

1.2 Case Study: Yield Map

For our first case study, we will use a situation where every individual in our population can be measured: a single soybean field in central Iowa. In this case, yield data were gathered using a combine monitor. In case you don’t live and breathe field crops like me, combines (the machines that harvest grain) are usually equipped with a scale that repeatedly weighs grain as the combine moves across the field. The moisture of the grain is also recorded. These data are combined with measures of the combine speed and knowledge of the number of rows harvested at once to calculate the yield per area of grain, adjusted to the market standard for grain moisture.

Almost all of you have seen a yield map somewhat like the one below. In this map, blue circles represent lower yields, while yellow and orange circles represent higher yields.

We will learn in the Exercises portion of this lesson how to create a map like this using just a few lines of code.

Each dataset has a structure – the way data are organized in columns and rows. To get a sense of the structure of our soybean dataset, we can examine the first 6 rows of the dataset using R.

## Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     group_rows
DISTANCE SWATHWIDTH VRYIELDVOL Crop WetMass Moisture Time Heading VARIETY Elevation IsoTime yield_bu geometry
0.9202733 5 57.38461 174 3443.652 0.00 9/19/2016 4:45:46 PM 300.1584 23A42 786.8470 2016-09-19T16:45:46.001Z 65.97034 POINT (-93.15026 41.66641)
2.6919269 5 55.88097 174 3353.411 0.00 9/19/2016 4:45:48 PM 303.6084 23A42 786.6140 2016-09-19T16:45:48.004Z 64.24158 POINT (-93.15028 41.66641)
2.6263101 5 80.83788 174 4851.075 0.00 9/19/2016 4:45:49 PM 304.3084 23A42 786.1416 2016-09-19T16:45:49.007Z 92.93246 POINT (-93.15028 41.66642)
2.7575437 5 71.76773 174 4306.777 6.22 9/19/2016 4:45:51 PM 306.2084 23A42 785.7381 2016-09-19T16:45:51.002Z 77.37348 POINT (-93.1503 41.66642)
2.3966513 5 91.03274 174 5462.851 12.22 9/19/2016 4:45:54 PM 309.2284 23A42 785.5937 2016-09-19T16:45:54.002Z 91.86380 POINT (-93.15032 41.66644)
3.1840529 5 65.59037 174 3951.056 13.33 9/19/2016 4:45:55 PM 309.7584 23A42 785.7512 2016-09-19T16:45:55.005Z 65.60115 POINT (-93.15033 41.66644)

Each row in the above dataset is a case, sometimes called an instance. It is an single observation taken within a soybean field. That case may contain one or more variables: specific measurements or observations recorded for each case. In the dataset above, variables include DISTANCE, SWATHWIDTH, VRYIELDVOL, Crop, WetMass, and many others.

The two most important to us in this lesson are yield_bu and geometry. That this dataset has a column named geometry indicates it is a special kind of dataset called a shape file – a dataset in which the measures are geo-referenced. That is, we know where on Earth these measurements were taken. The geometry column in this case identifies a point with each observation.

1.3 Distributions

At this point, we have two options any time we want to know about soybean yield in this field. We can pull out this map or the complete dataset (which has over 6,500 observations) and look at try to intuitively understand the data. Or we can use statistics which, in a sense, provide us a formula for approximating the values in our dataset with just a few numbers.

A distribution describes the range of values that occur within a given variable. What is the range of values in our measured values? In this example, what are the highest and lowest yields we observed? What ranges of values occur more frequently? Many times, we want to see whether the distribution of one

1.3.1 Histograms

Before we get into the math required to generate these statistics, however, we should look at the shape of our data. What is the range of values in our measured values? In this example, what are the highest and lowest yields we observed? What ranges of values occur more frequently? Do the observed values make general sense?

One of the easiest and most informative things for us to do is to create a particular bar chart known as a histogram.

In the histogram above, each bar represents range of values. This range is often referred to as a bin. The lowest bin includes values from 50 to 59.0000. The next bin includes values from 60 to 69.9999. And so on. The height of each bar represents the frequency within each range: the number of individuals in that population that have values within that range.

Each bin can also be defined by its midpoint. The midpoint is the middle value in each range. For the bin that includes values from 50 to 50.9999, the midpoint is 55. For the bin that includes values from 60 to 60.9999, the midpoint is 65.

In the plot above, the midpoint for each bar is indicated by the orange bar beneath it.

There are many ways in which we can draw a histogram – and other visualizations – in R. We will learn more in this course about an R package called ggplot2, which can create just about any plot you might imagine. Here is a simple taste:

ggplot(data=yield, aes(x=yield_bu)) +
  geom_histogram(breaks=seq(50, 110, 10), fill="tomato", color="black")

Varying the bin width provides us with different perspectives on our distribution. Wide bins, which each include a greater range of values, will provide more gross representations of the data, while narrower bins will provide greater detail. When bins are too narrow, however, there may be gaps in our histogram where no values occur within particular bins.

Throughout this course, I have created interactive exercises to help you better visualize statistical concepts. Often, they will allow you to observe how changing the variables or the number of observations can affect a statistical test or visualization.

These exercises are located outside of this textbook. To access them, please follow links like that below. The exercises may take several seconds to launch and run in your browser. I apologize for their slowness – this is the best platform I have found to date.

Please click on the link below to open an application where you can vary the bin width and see how it changes your perspective:

1.3.2 Percentiles

We can also use percentiles to describe the values of a variable more numerically. Percentiles describe how values the proportional spread of values, from lowest to highest, within a distribution. To identify percentiles, the data are numerically ordered (ranked) from lowest to highest. Each percentile is associated with a number; the percentile is the percentage of all data equal to or less than that number. We can quickly generate the 0th, 25th, 50th, and 75th, and 100th percentile in R:

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   55.12   74.96   80.62   80.09   85.44  104.95

This returns six numbers. The 0th percentile (alternatively referred to as the minimum) is 55.12 – this is the lowest yield measured in the field. The 25th percentile (also called the 1st Quartile) is 74.96. This means that 25% of all observations were equal to 74.96 bushels or less. The 50th percentile (also known as the median) was 80.62, meaning half of all observations were equal to 80.62 bushels or less. 75% of observations were less than 85.44, the 75th percentile (or 3rd quartile). Finally, the 100th percentile (or maximum yield) recorded for this field was 104.95.

We are now gaining a better sense of the range of observations that were most common. But we can describe this distribution with even fewer numbers.

1.3.3 Normal Distribution Model

Let’s overlay a curve, representing the normal distribution, on our histogram. You have probably seen or heard of this curve before. Often it is called a bell curve; in school, it is the Curve that many students count on to bring up their grades. We will learn more about this distribution in Lesson 2.

In a perfect scenario, our curve would pass through the midpoint of each bar. This rarely happens with real-world data, and especially in agriculture. The data may be slightly skewed, meaning there are more individuals that measure above the mean than below, or vice versa.

In this example, our data do not appear skewed. Our curve seems a little too short and wide to exactly fit the data. This is a condition called kurtosis. No, kurtosis doesn’t mean that our data stink; they are just more spread out or compressed than in a “perfect” situation.

No problem. We can – and should – conclude it is appropriate to fit these data with a normal distribution. If we had even more data, the curve would likely fit them even better.

Many populations can be handily summarized with the normal distribution curve, but we need to know a couple of statistics about the data. First, we need to know where the center of the curve should be. Second, we need to know the width or dispersion of the curve.

1.3.4 Measures of Center

To mathamatically describe our distribution, we first need a measure of center. The two most common measures of center are the arithmetic mean and median. The mean is the sum of all observations divided by the number of observations.

μ=xin The μ symbol (a u with a tail) signifies the true mean of a population. The symbol (the character next to xi which looks like the angry insect alien from A Quiet Place) means “sum”. Thus, anytime you see the symbol, we are summing the variable(s) to its right. xi is the value x of the ith individual in the population. Finally, n is the number of individuals in the population.

For example, if we have a set of number from 1:5, their mean can be calculated as:


The mean yield for our field is about 80.09 bushels per acre. This isrepresented by the red line in the histogram below.

Earlier, you were introduced to the median. As discussed, the median is a number such that half of the individuals in the population are greater and half are less. If we have an odd number of individuals, the median is the “middle” number as the individuals are ranked from greatest to least.


If we have an even number of measures, the median is the average of the middle two individuals in the ranking:


Let’s add a blue line to our histogram to represent the median.

As you can see, they are practically identical. When the mean and median are similar, the number of individuals measuring greater and less than the mean are roughly equivalent. In this case, our data can be represented using the normal distribution.

We also need a statistic that tells us how wide to draw the curve. That statistic is called a measure of dispersion, and we will learn about it next.

1.3.5 Measures of Dispersion

To describe the spread of a population, we use one of three related measures of disperson: sum of squares, variance, and standard deviation. Although there is a little math involved in these three statistics, please make yourself comfortable with their concepts because they are very important in this course. Almost every statistical test we will learn during this course is rooted in these measures of population width. Sum of Squares

The first measure of population width is the sum of squares. This is the sum of the squared differences between each observation and the mean. The sum of squares of a measurement x is:


Where again xi is the value x of the ith individual in the population and μ is the true mean of a population.

Why do we square the differences between the observations and means? Simply, if we were to add the unsquared differences they would add to exactly zero. Let’s prove this to ourselves. Let’s again use the set of numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). We can measure the distance of each individual from the mean by subtracting the mean from it. This difference is called the residual.

sample_data = data.frame(individuals = c(1,2,3,4,5))

## Attaching package: 'janitor'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     chisq.test, fisher.test
first_resid_table = sample_data %>%
  mutate(mean = 3) %>%
  mutate(residual = individuals - mean) %>%
  mutate(mean = as.character(mean)) 

first_resid_totals = data.frame(individuals = "Total",
                                mean = "",
                                residual = sum(first_resid_table$residual))

first_resid_table %>%
  rbind(first_resid_totals) %>%
individuals mean residual
1 3 -2
2 3 -1
3 3 0
4 3 1
5 3 2
Total 0

The first column of the above dataset contains the individual observations. The second column contains the population mean, repeated for each observation. The third column is the residuals, which are calculated by subtracting each observed value from the population mean.

And if we sum these residuals we get zero.


Let’s now do this with our field data. The number of residuals (almost 6800) is too many to visualize at once, so we will pick 20 at random.

yield_sample = data.frame(yield = sample(yield$yield_bu, 10))

second_resid_table = yield_sample %>%
  mutate(yield = round(yield,2),
         mean = round(mean(yield),2),
         residual = yield-mean) 

second_resid_totals = data.frame(yield = "Total",
                                mean = "",
                                residual = sum(second_resid_table$residual))

second_resid_table %>%
  rbind(second_resid_totals) %>%
yield mean residual
83.61 76.52 7.09
86.82 76.52 10.30
68.39 76.52 -8.13
81.91 76.52 5.39
80.75 76.52 4.23
57.06 76.52 -19.46
62.58 76.52 -13.94
86.6 76.52 10.08
80.05 76.52 3.53
77.42 76.52 0.90
Total -0.01

If we sum up all the yield residuals, we get -0.04. Not exactly zero, but close. The difference from zero is the result of rounding errors during the calculation.

The sum of squares is calculated by squaring each residual and then summing the residuals. For our example using the set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):

first_squares_table = first_resid_table %>%
  mutate(square = residual^2)

first_squares_totals = data.frame(individuals = "Total",
                                mean = "",
                                residual = "",
                                square = sum(first_squares_table$square))
first_squares_table %>%
  rbind(first_squares_totals) %>%
individuals mean residual square
1 3 -2 4
2 3 -1 1
3 3 0 0
4 3 1 1
5 3 2 4
Total 10

And for our yield data:

second_squares_table = second_resid_table %>%
  mutate(square = round(residual^2,2)) %>%
  mutate(residual = round(residual, 2))

second_squares_totals = data.frame(yield = "Total",
                                mean = "",
                                residual = "",
                                square = sum(second_squares_table$square))
second_squares_table %>%
  rbind(second_squares_totals) %>%
yield mean residual square
83.61 76.52 7.09 50.27
86.82 76.52 10.3 106.09
68.39 76.52 -8.13 66.10
81.91 76.52 5.39 29.05
80.75 76.52 4.23 17.89
57.06 76.52 -19.46 378.69
62.58 76.52 -13.94 194.32
86.6 76.52 10.08 101.61
80.05 76.52 3.53 12.46
77.42 76.52 0.9 0.81
Total 957.29 Variance

The sum of squares helps quantify spread: the larger the sum of squares, the greater the spread of observations around the population mean. There is one issue with the sum of squares, though: since the sum of square is derived from the differences between each observation and the mean, it is also related to the number of individuals overall in our population. In our example above, the sum of squares was 10.

Now, let’s generate a dataset with two 1s, two 2s, two 3s, two 4s, and two 5s:

first_squares_table = first_resid_table %>%
  mutate(square = residual^2)

double_squares_table = first_squares_table %>%

double_squares_totals = data.frame(individuals = "Total",
                                mean = "",
                                residual = "",
                                square = sum(double_squares_table$square))

double_squares_table %>%
  rbind(double_squares_totals) %>%
individuals mean residual square
1 3 -2 4
2 3 -1 1
3 3 0 0
4 3 1 1
5 3 2 4
1 3 -2 4
2 3 -1 1
3 3 0 0
4 3 1 1
5 3 2 4
Total 20

You will notice the sum of squares increases to 20. The spread of the data did not change: we recorded the same five values. The only difference is that we observed each value twice.

The moral of this story is this: given any distribution, the sum of squares will always increase with the number of observations. Thus, if we want to compare the spread of two different populations with different numbers of individuals, we need to adjust our interpretation to allow for the number of observations.

We do this by dividing the sum of squares, Sxx by the number of observations, n. In essence, we are calculating an “average” of the sum of squares. This value is the variance, σ2.

σ2=Sxxn We can calculate the variance as follows.

In our first example, the set {1,2,3,4,5} had a sum of squares of 10. in that case, the variance would be:


In our second example, the set {1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5} had a sum of squares of 20. In that example, the variance would be


As you can see, the variance is not affected by the size of the dataset, only by the distribution of its values.

Later on in this course, we will calculate the variance a little differently:

σ2=Sxxn1 n-1 is referred to as the degrees of freedom. We use degrees of freedom when we work with samples (subsets) of a population. In this unit, however, we are working with populations, so we will not worry about those. Standard Deviation

Our challenge in using the variance to describe population spread is it’s units are not intuitive. When we square the measure we also square the units of measure. For example the variance of our yield is measured in units of bushels2. Wrap your head around that one. Our solution is to report our final estimate of population spread in the original units of measure. To do this, we calculate the square root of the variance. This statistic is called the standard deviation, σ.


For the dataset {1,2,3,4,5}, the sum of squares is 10, the variance 2, and the standard deviation is:


For our yield dataset, the sum of squares is 957.29, and based on 10 observations. Our variance is therefore:

σ2=957.2910=9.57 bushels2 / acre2

Our sum of squares is :

9.57 bushels2 / acre2=3.09 bushels / acre 

That is enough theory for this first week of class. The remainder of this lesson will focus on introducing you to RStudioCloud.